August 26, 2011 – 1:05 pm
I borrowed some material from Melting Chocolate Kettles to end this post, so for those of you who haven’t read the book, here’s the thesis of the chapter on Place: Set up a creative habitat where actual, raw production can happen on a consistent basis. Choose a place to make a mess then clean it […]
August 2, 2011 – 10:25 am
Going back over my most recent posts this morning, I discovered a major oversight. I never blogged about the creative writing workshop that I am co-teaching this Thursday night, August 4, from 7-9pm, at Cherokee Mills in Knoxville. Those of you who have read Melting Chocolate Kettles know the basic premise: if you start finishing […]
On June 23, I gave my first Pecha Kucha presentation at Knoxville Museum of Art. You may be wondering, “What is Pecha Kucha?†It sounds illegal. It sounds like it may cause disfigurement, or even death, without immediate medical attention. In reality, the term is Japanese and denotes the sound of conversation, similar to “chit […]
I try to be patient with other people’s writing, grammar, and branding errors. I’ve certainly had my share, and I’ve learned to ask other people’s opinions before I send out a potentially inflammatory email or an ad headline with some obscure sexual innuendo. I don’t want people to get the wrong impression about me, one […]