Category Archives: high school

newfound autonomy

If you know what’s good for you, you’ll keep such epiphanies to yourself.

Boobs on the screen

I was showing my Freshmen one of my favorite movies—Dead Poets Society—as an introduction to our unit on creative writing. During one of their meetings in the cave, one of the boys takes out a dirty magazine. I’m standing at the back of the class, engrossed in the movie, and then— Boobs on the screen. […]

red watery fu manchu

The summer after I graduated from high school, I went with the church youth group to a Navajo reservation in Tuba City, Arizona.  Our youth group happened to be staying in the same complex with another church group from California.  One kid named Joey asked if we had computers in Tennessee. We said, yes, and […]

Thanks, defective DNA!

Thanks to genes inherited from my mother’s side, I often get food caught in my throat. I have to eat slowly and chew consciously. My mom and grandfather have the same problem. Eventually, a doctor will run a scope down my throat and ask me why I waited so long to get surgery. “Well, because […]

Teaching Blunders #2: Rotisserie Chicken

In Republic, Plato penned a timeless aphorism describing human resourcefulness: Necessity is the mother of invention. This is especially true of hungry 23-year-old single men. I am what Shane Claiborne, in his thought-provoking book entitled Irresistible Revolution, calls a “freegan.” I will eat anything that is free. If you provide the food, they will come. Or, […]

Temper temper

Teaching teaches you about yourself. I required that all my students turn off their cell phones while in my class. I wasn’t a stickler on shirt tails and tardies. Shoot, I threw a plastic spoon at Carmen, a freshman girl, and hit her between the eyes. I’d asked her to stop talking several times. Despite […]

Teaching Blunders #1: Faux cocaine

Curiosity is your Achilles’ heel.

Squirrel Crepe

I never swerve to hit animals. They run out in front of me. On my way to have breakfast with friends before school, I tagged a doe. I’d even slowed down when two other deer ran across the road. I looked both ways and let my foot off the brake, then wham! She came from […]