Category Archives: serious

Why eBooks will never replace "traditional" books

Don’t try to feed me malarkey about “just like a traditional book.” You may as well try to sell me porkless bacon.


If you’re been thinking about the recent earthquake in Haiti but don’t know how to help the people there, check out one of these six organizations which are providing relief.

Homeless Man and Crack Ho

He was going to blame me for stepping between him and what he saw as the quickest way to get his money back—depriving that woman of oxygen. I understand that people on the street live by a different code of ethics, one based on survival not niceness. If Adam and I had simply driven away, however, my conscience would have eaten at me.
What was the right thing to do? Simply not get involved?

More Elusive Parts of Frog Anatomy

Perhaps, instead, I would place a live frog, kicking and croaking, in each pair of upturned palms and say, “You decide whether this frog lives or dies. If you decide to save its life, you must find it a good pond or river, then let it go. If you decide to kill it, you must do so at the front of the room where everyone can see. That’s the cost of being human.”

The Ugliest Couch in the World

People love the absurd. Give it to them. It rarely undermines your professionalism or credibility, and you’ll probably sell what you want to sell. I sold the couch in less than twenty-four hours. For more than I originally asked.

Tired Jesus, Kneeling Leper

It’s easy to read the story told in Matthew 8.1-4 and take in nothing. After all, this one man with a skin disease represents one of hundreds that Jesus healed. Why should we pay attention to him? As he was fond of doing, Jesus withdraws to “the mountain.” One gets the idea that this time […]

Christians and Sex

* WARNING :: Read at your own risk. The following post is inappropriate for people of all ages. If you are uncomfortable with your sexuality or if a young white middle-class male’s detailed recollections of sex ed classes at a small private Christian school offend you, find another blog to read or subscribe to Joel […]

Start small

The answer is not to kill ourselves with productivity but to start small, mustering the smallest measure of discipline each day. Twenty push-ups. Seven new lines of free verse. Breakfast dishes cleaned and put away. We don’t run marathons or chase giants from the land overnight. Start small. Do less rather than more at first, but do something.