Category Archives: bad products

Steven Seagal movies and Bad advertisements

So what you’re telling me is that if I call, then you’ll help me lose my house even faster.

Finally, an iPhone app I can fully endorse

A child never has to snuggle up in your lap and point to the pictures again! iStoryTime takes all the hassles out of putting kids to bed. Buy it today.

The Ugliest Couch in the World

People love the absurd. Give it to them. It rarely undermines your professionalism or credibility, and you’ll probably sell what you want to sell. I sold the couch in less than twenty-four hours. For more than I originally asked.

Playboy, Creed, and Captain D's

Please no one give me a subscription to Playboy or a Creed album or a gift certificate to Captain D’s. My self-respect couldn’t take it.

The evil of automatic toilets

Give me a handsaw and an axe. Give me a good old fashioned toilet with a lever right there on the side. I’ll send my one pancake to a local river, my butt will be dry, and everybody goes home happy.

Hug Me Pillow

Regulate your circadian rhythms, guarantee REM, protect against intruders, kill roaches, mow the lawn, vacation at the beach, pay your mortgage and utilities bill, make beautiful memories, and create a legacy with your Hug Me Pillow—a mail order husband without the price tag.


Have you ever wanted to take on the road those delightful Dutch Ovens made possible by your nightly gastro-intestinal complaints? Have you ever wanted a way to capture the flatulence of your precious children and save those sweet gifts of methane? Now you can! Thanks to American ingenuity, the Peekaru provides a solution for both […]

Lady lost her head

Thank you for supporting random acts of unkindness. Thank you for taking a stand against bad art.


I’d like to express my disappointment in the American people. How in the name of the Niña, Pinta, and Santa Maria  has Allstar Marketing Group in Hawthorne, NY, sold 4 million Snuggies in under three months? People want to know why the economy sucks? Everybody’s spending money on these abominations. Rather than save up for a […]