Category Archives: animals

I hate cats

I hate cats. I’d be a fool not to. Please hear me out and then decide whether or not my feline vitriol is justified.

Shame on me

In honor of April Fool’s Day, I’d like to list some of the pranks and mischief that I’ve orchestrated in years past: High School 1) Stealing the ball from Coach Tillman’s mouse so that it wouldn’t work. Once he discovered what was happening, he asked for a backup from Phil Sanders, the IT guy at […]

Squirrel Crepe

I never swerve to hit animals. They run out in front of me. On my way to have breakfast with friends before school, I tagged a doe. I’d even slowed down when two other deer ran across the road. I looked both ways and let my foot off the brake, then wham! She came from […]