My dad has four brothers and sisters, and the five Church siblings procreated like good Protestants: I have two sisters and ten first cousins. Burton was the youngest by three years. We made up a game called Dart Wars in which we broke into two teams and shot one another with Nerf guns. The game […]
Yesterday morning, I went down to the basement and brought up four photo albums containing all the pictures that I took during a semester abroad in autumn of 2002. After writing my last post about a miserable ride at Die Prater in Vienna, I couldn’t remember if I had captured the culprit, Extasy, on film. […]
By austinlchurch
Also posted in business, great products, travel hacking, traveling
Tagged camino de santiago, Chris Guillebeau, Die Prater in Vienna, earn miles without flying, free upgrade award wallet, pay less to travel, travel hacking, what is travel hacking
The other day, I was waiting in line at Regions. The North Broadway branch in Knoxville always provides a fascinating slice of Knoxville citizenry. To my right, a substantial young woman was standing at a teller window with her toothless grandmother. The grandmother had a handkerchief on her head and stooped over her cane with […]
The other day my wife Megan asked me about guilty pleasures. Though I count each joie de vivre as a precious child and readily own them, several that made me pause, if only for a second: · Vanilla lattes from Starbucks, especially in airports. Please don’t judge me. · Young adult fantasy fiction without vampires. […]
April 12, 2010 – 10:47 am
Every once in awhile, an internet marketer like Bob will throw off his sheep’s clothing for a moment, whether he means to or not, and reveal the wolf underneath, show those teeth better to eat you with, my dear.
So I was on a bus, my nose throbbing with its own heartbeat, hoping it didn’t bleed, when I saw why the driver had slammed on the brakes going downhill—uniformed men with guns.
By austinlchurch
Also posted in comic relief, traveling
Tagged Antigua, chicken bus, Daddy Yankee, Guatemala, highway bandits, popping zits, reggaeton, Robin Hood, Sacred Heart of Jesus, weight stigma
I celebrated my graduation from high school by doing things of which my parents would disapprove. Rebellion is nothing unique to me. We see the light at the end of the tunnel—freedom! No more rules, no more curfew. No more questions about where we’re going, who will be there, or when we’ll be home. No […]
April 10, 2009 – 11:00 pm
Some of you may like Joel Osteen. This post isn’t intended for you. This post is intended for people who would like to “bless†their friends with a free gift, 30 Thoughts for Victorious Living, video streaming, weekly podcasts, and daily devotionals, compliments of Joel Osteen Ministries. A couple of years ago, I decided that […]
In honor of April Fool’s Day, I’d like to list some of the pranks and mischief that I’ve orchestrated in years past: High School 1) Stealing the ball from Coach Tillman’s mouse so that it wouldn’t work. Once he discovered what was happening, he asked for a backup from Phil Sanders, the IT guy at […]
By austinlchurch
Also posted in animals, college, comic relief, girls, high school, nastiness
Tagged April Fool's Day, Brentwood, condoms, David Lipscomb High School, Domino's, Jars of Clay, jelly donut, Krystal, lip balm, Lipscomb University, mischief, Natchez Trace, pranks, SATCO, Toucan Sam, Valentine's Day
Seriously, go make your mama proud.
By austinlchurch
Also posted in childhood, elementary school, parents
Tagged early bird, entrepreneurial success, Entrepreneurs of Knoxville, fiber optics, Judy Blume, Maurice Sendak, origami, Peter Rabbit, piggy bank, Roald Dahl, value