October 29, 2009 – 3:36 pm
You never know what to expect at a Christian school. You could be un- or pleasantly surprised, depending on how warped your sense of humor is.
August 19, 2009 – 3:35 pm
You might say I’m cruel. Or that I hate children. Or that as a young adult I should have been mature and exercised more patience with a mere child who was probably lonely and just wanted to hang out with the big kids. That’s garbage. I’m a hero.
His son looked like he was passing a kidney stone. Yet again, his father had prevented him from saving the day. He could have been William Wallace in Braveheart but in carpenter jeans and a wife-beater.
Too good to be true. Aren’t we all? We’re all messy with scar tissue and various types of stupidity, so I’m not saying that I’m perfect or that I’m not a piece of work myself. I’m saying that what we are on paper—our professional and social resumes, our accolades and exploits—counts for less than how […]
What should we call the Frat Daddy who technically graduated but never left? The de facto king of Natty and corn hole whose every ambition, whose very reason to exist, is caught in the time warp of College?
By austinlchurch
Also posted in comic relief, dislikes
Tagged Chevy Tahoe, college, frat daddy, frat pappy, fraternity life, joining a fraternity, Natty Light, Owen Wilson, Vince Vaughn, Will Ferrell
I celebrated my graduation from high school by doing things of which my parents would disapprove. Rebellion is nothing unique to me. We see the light at the end of the tunnel—freedom! No more rules, no more curfew. No more questions about where we’re going, who will be there, or when we’ll be home. No […]
Love is something that we practice.
By austinlchurch
Also posted in comic relief, dating, family, girls, parents, sisters
Tagged A Beautiful Mind, big boobs, cheeseburgers, dad, David Letterman, father, hot girls, John Nash, Russell Crowe, sleazy guys, The Sunflower Principle, wanderlust
It’s like Truth-or-Dare without the Truth option.