Category Archives: college

Their Best Life Now

Some of you may like Joel Osteen. This post isn’t intended for you. This post is intended for people who would like to “bless” their friends with a free gift, 30 Thoughts for Victorious Living, video streaming, weekly podcasts, and daily devotionals, compliments of Joel Osteen Ministries. A couple of years ago, I decided that […]

least masculine souvenir of all time

I spent two months in the summer of 2004 working with Warringah Church of Christ in the suburbs of Sydney, Australia. My best friend Hunter and another friend from Lipscomb University, Benji, were also there. We stayed with different families from the church for one or two weeks at a time. We especially enjoyed living […]

You have to get up anyway

That kind of self-centeredness becomes a caricature like big, floppy ears or a lumpy nose. It’s so absurd that it’s almost endearing. Almost.

Tape Ball to the Face

One of the crowning achievements up to that point in my life was knocking a squirrel out of a tree with a rock. It fell off the branch, hit the ground, popped up without the slightest trace of embarassement, and ran right back up the tree.  Throwing one object at another seems to be hardwired […]

Shame on me

In honor of April Fool’s Day, I’d like to list some of the pranks and mischief that I’ve orchestrated in years past: High School 1) Stealing the ball from Coach Tillman’s mouse so that it wouldn’t work. Once he discovered what was happening, he asked for a backup from Phil Sanders, the IT guy at […]

Lady lost her head

Thank you for supporting random acts of unkindness. Thank you for taking a stand against bad art.

age, gravity, sun damage, and slower metabolism

While I was finishing up my master’s in English, I was working as a Teaching Associate. Two classes of First-Year Composition 101 made the mistake of registering for my class.  Poor children. None of them knew what to do with a teacher who knew their tricks better than they did themselves. I assured them that […]

Abandonment & Deportation

During the train ride home the full implications of the day’s events began to sink in.  Where was Hunter? The day had started with a good jolt of adventure, eating a Käsekrainer and running through the streets of Vienna to catch our train. Once we had crossed the Hungarian border, Hunter realized he’d left both […]

I was a Greek god

These elderly Hungarian men were pushing fabric technology and human anatomy to new limits. They were pioneers.

renting a “bathing suit” in Hungary

After a Käsekrainer and a traumatic train ride, I arrived in Budapest. Three or four weeks earlier, when I’d visited the city with Hunter, Holly, and Rebecca, our train had stopped at the largest of Budapest’s three railway stations, Budapest Keleti pályaudvar. I anticipated arriving at the same station, following familiar landmarks to the City Park, Városliget, and then […]